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Temping & Contracting

We can help you find just the right temporary, contract or interim role, for several weeks, months or even years!

We are one of the longest-standing Guernsey recruitment companies.  Our Guernsey temporary work assignments include everything from office administration right up to senior qualified accountant roles, and the types of organisation that are seeking temporary staff are very varied.

Why Temp?

People temp for many reasons, including filling a gap whilst seeking permanent employment, to ease them back into the workplace after some time off, to save up to go travelling, to earn money during University holidays or to try various roles to help decide on a future career.  It can prove a real help to the organisation you are working for, either to cover a staff absence, to assist with a particular project or to undertake a brand new role while the company seek an additional permanent member of staff.

What are the Benefits?

The benefits of temping include flexibility in working periods and often in working hours, gaining experience at a variety of businesses, learning new skills, and often securing a higher pay rate than in permanent roles.  Contracts generally offer a relatively short notice period, which is an advantage if you are planning to move away from the Island or try a different career in the future.

If you are interested in Guernsey temp jobs or contract work, please contact us.

What happens when you register with Situations? Discover below the process of how it all works, step by step.
Thinking about a career move or already decided to seek a new role? Starting out in your career? Seeking progression? We can help with Interview Skills, CV writing and general careers advice/coaching.
If you need help deciding which career to opt for after graduating or finishing A Levels, we can help you find the perfect office job! We have a wide range of opportunities and are here to assist you every step of the way.