Interview Tips #5 - Legal HR Professional

What’s the best/most memorable answer you’ve heard from a candidate at an interview?

The most memorable answers tend to be the ones that come from candidates who are passionate about whatever it is they are talking about.  It definitely helps when a candidate has done their research on a company and is able to link their interests and passions to something they have read.


And what’s the worst?

The worst answers involve one-word responses to questions, particularly ‘yes’ or ‘no’!  I have occasionally held interviews that were over very quickly because the candidate clearly had not prepared for the interview, did not really understand what we do as a company and struggled to answer any of the questions.  It is understandable that interviewees may be nervous, but preparation can really help avoidance of those excessive ‘dead air’ moments!


How do you feel someone should dress for an interview?

I believe you should dress to impress for an interview – smart business attire if you are interviewing for a professional firm.  The way you dress can also alter how you feel, so smart clothes may in themselves help you to come across as being more professional and confident.


Do you feel that the standard challenging question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time” still has a place in today’s interview processes?

Personally, I find this question a little bit dated and would prefer to ask an alternative where possible.  I do think that asking a candidate about their long-term career aspirations can still be useful, but the job market has changed so much in recent years that the five-year timeframe is perhaps not as relevant as it once was.


When in the interview process should a candidate mention salary?         

I think this is best discussed with a company at second interview stage (although your recruitment agent may be able to guide you as to whether or not your salary expectations for a role are within the right range).


What’s the most important tip you would give to a candidate attending an interview?

Remember to ask questions.  An interview should be seen as a two-way process – the company will be evaluating whether you are the right candidate for the job but, equally, you should be attempting to ascertain if the role and the culture of the company is a good fit for you.


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